Commit 53f13f0.
I’ve been working on two big things.
First, my buddy Vic helped me with the math to make my procedural animation 1000x better. I was close before but things just weren’t right. My code was a spaghetti mess and the maths were what can only be described as wonky. Now it’s much smoother and looks really nice (my opinion) although this low-framerate gif doesn’t do it a ton of justice (hosted on imgur b/c my cheapo server pukes trying to thumbnail big gifs):
Second, I have been working on various UI things. From a game-design standpoint I’ve been trying to decide if characters are highly defined, meaning that character “Bob” would always look the same, have the same taunt phrases, the same elemental power, etc. Or, if characters should be kinda customizable. Like maybe you pick the heady, body and legs separately.
I started with characters being immutable. Then I entertained the idea of allowing mix-and-match because I think that would really appeal to some players. Now I’m leaning back towards immutable characters because I can create stronger personalities and recognizable styles.
Anyway, here’s some work I did while puzzling out what the customizable character UI might look like. The image at the top of the post has arrows that let you select each customizable part separately. Another take on that would be to have buttons that toggle through each body part. Whatever direction I take, the UI style will probably look something like these.