You may have noticed there have been very few posts about BattleCrypt lately. The development has been somewhat on hold. I haven’t written new code for the game in a long time (but I have done art….see!!!).

Rough sketch of new tile designs.
Additionally, the site is coming down because I don’t have the time to support both my personal blog and a dev blog for the game. The domain will forward to my personal blog and all future BattleCrypt posts will be written here on my personal blog.

Progression from rough sketch (left) to finished tiles (right).
That being said, the game is not dead and work has not stopped. I have been working on art a lot and refining my technique. I’ve tested some new tools such as Lazy Nezumi (AWESOME) and I bought a Monoprice 22″ graphics tablet (poor man’s Cintiq).

Statue with some experimental foliage added.
Honestly, it’s unlikely that BattleCrypt will make a lot of progress for a while. In the meantime, thanks for your continued interest!